5 Ways to Use a Mac Clipboard App

2014年4月8日—Likealloftheotheranswershere,it'saclipboardmanagerwhichstoreseveryitemyoucopyusing⌘+cinalist.Thenyoucanpress⌘+⇧ ...,CopyClipisthesimplestandmostefficientclipboardmanagerforyourMac.Runningdiscreetlyfromyourmenubar,thisappstoresallthat...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Copy and paste multiple things in macOS?

2014年4月8日 — Like all of the other answers here, it's a clipboard manager which stores every item you copy using ⌘ + c in a list. Then you can press ⌘ + ⇧ ...


CopyClip is the simplest and most efficient clipboard manager for your Mac. Running discreetly from your menu bar, this app stores all that you have copied ...

How to have multiple items for copypaste on macOS ...

How to copy Multiple Things to your macOS's Clipboard at Once? uPaste - Mac Best Free Clipboard Manager. uPaste records and organizes your copy/paste history ...

Clipboard on Mac: how to view and manage copy

2024年4月9日 — How to keep multiple items on Mac clipboard. As you now know, there's no way to copy or store multiple items on Mac's native clipboard and if ...

Copy and paste between devices from your Mac

On your Mac, use Universal Clipboard to copy text, a file, an image or photo, or a video, and then paste it on a nearby Mac or iOS device.

How to use multiple clipboards on Mac

2023年10月27日 — Use two clipboards simultaneously · You press Command + C to copy · You press Command + X to cut · You press Command + V to paste. When you copy ...

Copy and Paste Multiple Items in One Shot

2022年6月21日 — Universal Clipboard gets us the ability to copy/paste between devices, so why not add a history to allow pasting of previous items too(?).

Best Clipboard Managers for MacOS ? (working on ...

2023年6月1日 — What would you guys consider the best Clipboard Managers for MacOS? I now use Pasta, which is fine in several respects. And it looks great.

The 5 best clipboard managers for every device in 2024

2024年6月14日 — Clipboard Master enables you to paste multiple items from your clipboard, create clipboards ... The best affordable Mac clipboard manager.


2014年4月8日—Likealloftheotheranswershere,it'saclipboardmanagerwhichstoreseveryitemyoucopyusing⌘+cinalist.Thenyoucanpress⌘+⇧ ...,CopyClipisthesimplestandmostefficientclipboardmanagerforyourMac.Runningdiscreetlyfromyourmenubar,thisappstoresallthatyouhavecopied ...,HowtocopyMultipleThingstoyourmacOS'sClipboardatOnce?uPaste-MacBestFreeClipboardManager.uPasterecordsandorganizesyourcopy/pastehistor...